Monday 17 June 2019

Recycling Plastic Bottles- idea for summer holidays!

Well the summer holidays are almost here and no doubt many parents will be wondering how on earth they're going to keep their little darlings occupied for a whole 8 weeks? It's a fair question!

With the Irish weather as unpredictable as it is, you can be guaranteed there'll be a few rainy days where everyone will be stuck inside and the kids will be with that in mind, I thought it might be worth posting a simple idea that perhaps some of the kids would be interested in....

Have a look at the following link:

Seal Rescue Ireland have an initiative to encourage recycling of plastic bottles by converting them into "eco- bricks". These bricks can then be re-used and turned into furniture or even to build walls. The idea is to raise awareness of unnecessary plastic waste and to hopefully reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce.  Lots of sea animals, including seals,are getting entangled in plastic waste or ingesting plastic waste which can be fatal. This idea might be a way to re-use and -up-cycle some of the plastic bottles that end up in your recycling bin or rubbish. However, bear in mind that Seal Rescue Ireland have to assess the weight/quality of the ecobrick before accepting it so they will NOT accept bricks sent to them via post!