Agreed Report by B.O.M 13/02/25
1. Solar Panels (14) have now been installed on our school as part of the EU climate action fund (fully funded). The children are monitoring our solar energy generation daily.
2. The roof on the Coachhouse (which was damaged during storm Eowyn) has been repaired/made safe
3. Final enrolment figures for 2025/26 will be confirmed at our next B.O.M meeting
4. Staff attended training on the new anti-bullying programme (Bí Cineálta). Parents will be notified soon regarding a half-day closure to facilitate whole staff training on this new programme.
5. Our Special Education Teacher allocation for 2025/26 remains unchanged (one full-time post & continuing a 5 hour cluster with Boardsmill N.S)
Agreed Report by B.O.M 12/12/24
1. The remedial works on the Town Wall are now complete
2. The Book Fair raised €220 in new titles for our newly revamped school library & €91 was raised in the clothing collection. Many thanks to our PA for organising both fundraisers. The annual children's party will be held in the Diocesan Hall on Thursday December 19
3. The Nativity Play (as part of morning service) will be held in St. Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday December 15.
4. An updated Attendance Policy was ratified by the Board.
5. Our school has been invited to participate in the School's Photovoltaic Programme - we are currently seeking tenders
6. Many thanks to Canon John Clarke for acting as interim Chairperson to our Board of Management
Agreed Report by B.O.M 17/10/24
1. The remedial works on the town wall have commenced with an expected completion date of end of October
2. New I.W.B's were installed in both the middle & senior rooms
3. The annual review of our Child Safeguarding statement was completed. Notification & feedback sent to all stakeholders
4. Our enrolment figure for 2024/25 is 52. The admissions process for 2024/25 has begun.
5 Our P.A will hold the annual Book Fair next month
6. Dean Paul Bogle was thanked by the Board & presented with a gift for his dedicated service to our school for the past 11 years.
Agreed Report by B.O.M 25/04/24
1. Funding for remedial works on the Town Wall was approved.
2. 7 Junior Infants & 1 child into middle room confirmed for 2024/25 school year
3. The Hot Meals scheme begins on Monday April 29th
4. Swimming lessons begin on Friday May 3rd
5. P.A bake sale will be held on Thursday May 2nd
Agreed Report by B.O.M 29/02/24
1. Application for funding for remedial works on the Town Wall has been made to Meath Co.Co.
2. The annual review of our anti - bullying policy was completed. Notification regarding its completion has been published on our website
3. Many thanks to our P.A for securing funding of €250 again this year from Trim Credit Union. The funds will be used to upgrade our school library
4. A new Wi-Fi system was successfully installed in the school during the February mid-term break
5.Final & confirmed enrolment figures for 2024/25 will be available at our next B.O.M meeting in April
Agreed Report by B.O.M 11/01/24
1. Our new Board members were welcomed to our B.O.M in what was our first meeting since the new term of office for Boards of Managements began on December 1st 2023
2. The application & admissions process for 2024 is underway. Admission dates are available on our website.
3. Actions were completed following our Child Protection annual review at October's meeting
4. Ms. Corscaddan was welcomed to our school as she covers Ms. Keane's maternity leave until the end of this school year
5. The school has been accepted onto the Hot Meals Scheme. Scheme to begin in April
6. Many thanks to our P.A for organising another successful Christmas party & their on-going work in the school's polytunnel
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 26/10/23
1. We have 6 new Junior Infants this year, and 1 returning student into 3rd Class. There were 9 6th Class leavers in June. Our enrollment for the year is 56 pupils.
2. The Child Protection annual review was completed by the board and the Child Safety Statement was updated. Both are available on our school blog and inside the front door of the school. Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
3. As always, the board wishes to extend their thanks to the PA, who held their AGM in September. Already this year they have been busy with the polytunnel and organised the Halloween fundraiser and treats for the children.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 9/6/23
1. We have 6 new Junior Infants enrolled for September, and will have 1 returning student into 3rd Class. There will be 9 6th Class leavers. This leaves our projected enrollment at 57 pupils. The class groupings and staffing arrangements currently in place will continue next year.
2. Stay Safe has been completed by all class teachers.
3. Music Generation lessons will continue next year. The Junior Room will continue with the early music programme and the Middle and Senior Rooms will learn the violin.
4. Our school will hold the Summer Programme in-school for the first time this summer.
5. Standardised testing was completed in May.
6. Many thanks to our PA who have done a wonderful job on the polytunnel and have also recently organised a bake sale fundraiser.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 21/4/23
1.Our previous meeting, due to be held on March 9th, was postponed due to weather warning.
2. Our school staffing arrangements will remain the same for the coming school year, and our SET cluster with Boardsmill will continue.
3. Our projected enrollment for the next school year is 58 pupils, with 7 new Junior Infants due in, and 1 returning pupil due to join the middle room.
4. The school will hold the School Summer Programme for the first time this year.
5. The Board extends thanks to our PA who have recently organised pancakes for the pupils, a World Book Day fundraiser, a new rota for upkeep of our school library and have been working hard getting our polytunnel ready.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 12/1/23
1. Our school has 11 Junior Infants applicants for September 23. Parents have until Feb 10th to accept their child's place.
2. Our school was able to keep €420 worth of books following the PA book fair. The Board thanks the PA for their work on this and our Christmas Party.
3. All parent volunteers have now completed their Garda Vetting.
4. The school Admissions Policy has been updated in line with new guidelines. It can be accessed on our school website here:
5. The annual review of the Anti-Bullying Policy and its Implementation was carried out by The Board.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 27th October 2022
1. Our new treasurer, Sandra Allen, was appointed.
2. Enrollment stands at 59 pupils, with 9 new Juniors and 2 transfer students this year.
3. Using the IT grant, the school purchased 6 new chromebooks and printer for the school.
4. The PA will be organising a book fair in November and are also using a new library rota and repairing our polytunnel. The Board thanks the PA for their fantastic involvement in our school.
5. The checklist for Review of Child Safeguarding Statement was carried out by The Board.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 11th May 2022
1. Our school was granted 30hours of SET for next year. This allows for a full time SET position in our school, as well as an additional 5 hours. The principal has arranged a cluster with Boardsmill N.S. for these hours.
2. Enrollment for September stands at 59.
3. The results of recent survey were discussed by the Board.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 17th February 2022
1. Projected enrollment for next year is 59 pupils. This includes 9 new Juniors, 1 new pupil in 3rd Class and 10 6th Class leavers.
2. Covid measures will remain in place until the end of February.
3. Stay Safe will begin in all classrooms this term.
4. Anti-Bullying Checklist was completed and the Board agreed to survey parents on bullying in our school, as well as committing to an annual friendship week and worry boxes/monster in classrooms.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 17th December 2021
1. Admissions Notice made available on the blog by our principal, available here:
2. The Board wishes to extend thanks to our Parent Association for the brilliant fundraisers they organised this term-Book Fair, Bags2School and Christmas party tomorrow.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 21st October 2021
1. Thanks to the principal for sourcing air filters for each of the classrooms and our SET room.
2. Enrollment in the school is 60 pupils.
3. Updated Child Protection Statement and Anti-Bullying Policies were ratified and are available on our school blog for all parents.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 20th May 2021
1. Currently, next year's enrollment will be 59 pupils. We will welcome 5 new Junior Infants and have 6 6th Class leavers.
2. The Board is delighted that Katie Maguire has been awarded C.I.D. and will remain part of our staff next year. We will also welcome back Róisín and Deirdre Kilrane, who will be job-sharing next year.
3. The Board thanks all parents, pupils and staff for their diligence shown this year to keep our school community safe from COVID-19.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 24th February 2021
1. The school will reopen next Monday for children from Junior Infants to 4th Class. Medical grade masks have been purchased for all staff and there will be increased ventilation in the rooms, along with all measures that have been in place since September.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 10th December 2020
1. The Child Safeguarding Statement Annual Review was completed by the board.
2. Concerns were raised again about the car park, particularity on a Friday when the market is on. The Chairperson agreed to address these issues with vendors in the marker.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 22nd October 2020
- The board evaluated the school's Covid-19 response plan and noted the school's commitment to following both it and HSE guidance.
- The board agreed on approach regarding communicating confirmed cases with parents.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 20th August 2020
- The board wishes to thank our school cleaner, Ann Ginnerty, for her past 42 years of service, and wish her all the best as she leaves our school. We welcome Fiona Ruzicka as our new cleaner this year.
- The school's Covid-19 policy statement ( and response plan ( were outlined to and approved by the board.
- Our enrolment figure for the year stays at 60 pupils.
- Class groupings will be as follows: Junior Room (Ms. Keane) Juniors-1st. Middle Room (Ms. Maguire) 2nd-4th. Senior Room (Mr. Larke) 5th-6th.
- The board made a presentation to David Douglas, thanking him for over 25 years of service on our board.
- Ms. Ibs applied for, and was granted, a career break for the next school year.
- The school will have another half-day closure to facilitate teacher training on the New Language Curriculum on Friday 1st May.
- At present, there are 10 Junior Infants due to start in the school in September.
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 12th December 2019
- The Board wishes to thank our outgoing member, David Douglas, for his many years of dedicated service and plan to make a presentation of their gratitude to him. Welcome to our new board members.
- There are ongoing concerns regarding our carpark, in particular on Fridays. The Board intents to expand the yellow hatch at the gate.
- The Board wishes to remind parents that we have a Healthy Eating Policy, which can be found by following this link: Healthy Eating Policy
- The Board wishes to thank the P.A. for the recent Book Fair and upcoming Christmas Party.
- The application process for new pupils will begin in early January.
- The Board wishes to thank our Parents' Association for all of the work they do in our school, including maintaining the library, putting up displays, organising events and our new poly-tunnel.
- The Board reviewed and ratified a new Assessment Policy for the school, which will be made available on the school blog.
- Treasurer presented accounts for 2018/19 and 2019/20 to date.
- Thanks was extended to our outgoing members of the Board. The new board will commence on December 1st.
- It was noted that Ms. Maguire has settled very well into teaching 2nd and 3rd class and into our school community.
- Current enrollment is at 59 with one new child expected to join the school.
- The Board conducted a review of Child Safeguarding Statement. This statement is available on our blog under the 'School Information' section.
- Our school admissions policy was updated and is also available under the 'School Information' section of our blog.
- Congratulations to Ms. Grisewood and our Green School Committee for their recent success in obtaining a new Green Flag for our school (
- Staffing arrangements for the upcoming new school year were discussed. Ms. Kilrane is expected back in September. The classes will be split as follows:
Juniors-1st Class
2nd and 3rd Class
4th-6th Class
Agreed Report by B.O.M. 28th Feb 2019
1. Stay Safe programme for S.P.H.E. has commenced. Letter was distributed to parents this week.
2. Resource allocation/Special Education Teacher provision will remain as is for the next two years.
3. Our school had a Whole School Inspection on the week beginning 4th Feb. A report on this will be published in due course.
4. After-School Homework Club was approved by the Board and will commence next Tuesday, 5th Feb (note to follow).